Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Literature Update

The issue of November of Computers in Human Behavior (issue still in progress) looks so far very good. I selected here a few papers dealing with a lot of interesting topics.

First, a series of two papers regarding two aspects of age-dependent online use. One on the impact of virtual spaces on adolescents’ sense of identity, and one on the effect of sharing virtual experience between people from different generations on intergenerational cohesion.

Davis K (2013) Young people’s digital lives: The impact of interpersonal relationships. and digital media use on adolescents’ sense of identity. Computers in Human Behavior, 29;2281–2293.
Chua PH, Jung Y, Lwin MO, Theng YL (2013) Let’s play together: Effects of video-game play on intergenerational perceptions among youth and elderly participants. Computers in Human Behavior, 29;2303–2311.

Something interesting regarding (cyber)psychopathology (at large), on the profiles of college cyberbullies.

Schenk AM, Fremouw WJ, Keelan CM (2013) Characteristics of college cyberbullies. Computers in Human Behavior, 29;2320–2327.

Must be read just before or just after our paper on Internet addiction (Lortie CL, Guitton MJ (2013) Internet addiction assessment tools: dimensional structure and methodological status. Addiction, 108:1207-1216. [PDF]), for a more global view on cyberpathologies.

Internet privacy and sexualisation in virtual spaces are important topics, and here is an interesting paper on that.

Beaussart ML, Kaufman JC (2013) Gender differences and the effects of perceived internet privacy on self-reports of sexual behavior and sociosexuality. Computers in Human Behavior, 29;2524–2529.

And finally, a paper on data mining and analysis of Twitter threads.
Purohit H, Hampton A, Shalin VL, Sheth AP, John Flach J, Bhatt S (2013) What kind of #conversation is Twitter? Mining #psycholinguistic cues for emergency coordination. Computers in Human Behavior, 29;2438–2447.

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