Note: Only the papers published in peer-review journals (and some but not all book chapters) are listed here. I did not listed the abstracts, proceedings, posters, talks and so on, since at the end, only the papers really matter ... However, if you really really want the full extensive list, please let me know!
Fan Phenomena: Mermaids (2016)
Guitton MJ (ed), Bristol, UK: Intellect Books
ISBN: 9781783205912
get it :)
Guitton MJ, Poitras J (2017) Acquiring an operative sustainability expertise for health professionals. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1:e299-e300
Beaunoyer E, Guitton MJ (2017) Effective use of virtual communities for health purposes in the elderly. In: Novel Applications of Virtual Communities in Healthcare Settings. El Morr C (ed), IGI Global, pp. 127-146
Guitton MJ (2017) Facing the ‘water challenges’: Alternative paths to trigger large-scale behavioral shifts. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1:e46-e47
Beaunoyer E, Arsenault M, Lomanowska AM, Guitton MJ (2017) Understanding online health information: Evaluation, tools, and strategies. Patient Education and Counseling, 100:183-189 [PDF]
Cristofari C, Guitton MJ (2017) Aca-fans and fan communities: An operative framework. Journal of Consumer Culture. 17:713-731 [PDF]
Arsenault M, Blouin MJ, Guitton MJ (2016) Information quality and dynamics of patients' interactions on tonsillectomy web resources. Internet Interventions, 4:99-104 [PDF]
Giard F, Guitton MJ (2016) Spiritus Ex Machina: Augmented reality, cyberghosts and externalised consciousness. Computers in Human Behavior, 55:614-615. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2015) The Force of Ethics awakens. Science, 350:1325.
Guitton MJ (2015) Ethical challenges in online health games. In: Novák D, Tulu B, Brendryen H (Eds.): Handbook of Research on Holistic Perspectives in Gamification for Clinical Practice, IGI Global, pp. 1-9. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2015) Online maritime health information: An overview of the situation. International Maritime Health, 66:139-144. [PDF]
Bergeron M, Lortie CL, Guitton MJ (2015) Use of virtual reality tools for vestibular disorders rehabilitation: a comprehensive analysis. Advances in Medicine, 2015:916735. [PDF]
Clément M, Guitton MJ (2015) Interacting with bots online: Users' reaction to actions of automated programs in Wikipedia. Computers in Human Behavior, 50:66-75. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2015) Telemedicine at sea and onshore: Divergences and convergences. International Maritime Health, 66:18-21. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2015) Swimming with mermaids: Communication and social density in the Second Life merfolk community. Computers in Human Behavior, 48:226-235. [PDF]
Cristofari C, Guitton MJ (2014) Mapping virtual communities by their visual production: The example of the Second Life steampunk community. Computers in Human Behavior, 41:374-384. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2014) Virtual humans but real anthropology. Computers in Human Behavior, 39:223. [PDF]
Cristofari C, Guitton MJ (2014) Surviving at any cost: Guilt expression following extreme ethical conflicts in a virtual setting. PLoS ONE, 9:e101711. [PDF]
Cristofari C, Guitton MJ (2014) The Steampunk Doctor: Practicing medicine in a mechanical age. Advances in Anthropology, 4:89-98. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2014) The importance of studying the dark side of social networks. Computers in Human Behavior, 31:335. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2014) Artificial vs. Enhanced Intelligence: Computer or Human Behavior? Computers in Human Behavior, 31:332-333. [PDF]
Lomanowska AM, Guitton MJ (2014) My avatar is pregnant! Representation of pregnancy, birth, and maternity in a virtual world. Computers in Human Behavior, 31:322-331. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Cristofari C (2014) Does surviving the zombie apocalypse represent a good model of human behavior in response to pandemics? Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 20:375-377. [PDF]
Achim AM, Guitton MJ, Jackson PL, Monetta L (2013) Real-life interactions and the eight sources of information framework (8-SIF): A reply to Champagne-Lavau and Moreau (2013). Psychological Assessment, 25:1407-1408. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Cristofari C (2013) Life in Science: Zombiology. Science, 342:559.
Guitton MJ (2013) Morphological conservation in human-animal hybrids in science fiction and fantasy settings: Is our imagination as free as we think it is? Advances in Anthropology, 3:157-163. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2013) Developing tools to predict human behavior in response to large-scale catastrophic events. Computers in Human Behavior, 29:2756-2757. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2013) Telemedicine in Tinnitus: Feasibility, Advantages, Limitations and Perspectives. ISRN Otolaryngology, 2013:218265 (7p). [PDF]
Lortie CL, Guitton MJ (2013) Internet addiction assessment tools: dimensional structure and methodological status. Addiction, 108:1207-1216. [PDF]
Achim A, Guitton MJ, Jackson P, Boutin A, Monetta L (2013) On what ground do we mentalize? Characteristics of current tasks and sources of information that contribute to mentalizing judgments. Psychological Assessments, 25:117-126. [PDF]
Lomanowska AM, Guitton MJ (2012) Virtually Naked: Virtual environment reveals sex-dependent nature of skin disclosure. PLoS ONE 7(12): e51921. [PDF]
Lortie CL, Guitton MJ (2012) Looking similar promotes group stability in a game-based virtual community. Games for Health Journal, 1:274-278. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2012) Living in the Hutt Space: Immersive Process in the Star Wars Role-Play community of Second Life. Computers in Human Behavior, 28:1681-1691. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2012) Cyber Behaviors in Canada. In: Yan Z (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior, IGI Global, pp. 1316-1327. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2012) The immersive impact of meta-media in a virtual world. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 : 450-455. [PDF]
Lomanowska AM, Guitton MJ (2012) Spatial proximity to others determines how humans inhabit virtual worlds. Computers in Human Behavior, 28 : 318-323. [PDF]
Lortie CL, Guitton MJ (2011) Judgment of the Humanness of an Interlocutor is in the Eye of the Beholder. PLoS ONE, 6:e25085. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2011) Immersive role of non-required social actions in virtual settings: the example of trade role-play in the Second Life Gorean community. Design Principles and Practices: an International Journal, 5:209-220. [PDF]
Lortie CL, Guitton MJ (2011) Social organization in virtual settings depends on proximity to human visual aspect. Computers in Human Behavior, 27:1258-1261. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2010) Cross-modal compensation between name and visual aspect in socially active avatars. Computers in Human Behavior, 26:1772-1776. [PDF]
Giard F, Guitton MJ (2010) Beauty or realism: The dimensions of skin from cognitive sciences to computer graphics. Computers in Human Behavior, 26:1748-1752. [PDF]
Pathologies of Perception:
Lortie CL, Deschamps I, Guitton MJ, Tremblay P (In Press) Age differences in voice evaluation: from auditory-perceptual evaluation to social interactions. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, In press
Guitton MJ (2017) Mermaid health: Identifying health issues related to mermaiding. International Maritime Health, 68:12-18.
Lortie CL, Thibeault M, Guitton MJ, Tremblay P (2015) Effects of age on the amplitude, frequency and perceived quality of voice. Age (Dordr) 37:117.
Bilodeau-Mercure M, Lortie CL, Sato M, Guitton MJ, Tremblay P (2015) The neurobiology of speech perception decline in aging. Brain Struct Funct, 220:979-997.
Arsenault D*, Dal-Pan A*, Tremblay C, Bennett DA, Guitton MJ, De Koninck Y, Tonegawa S, Calon F (2013) PAK inactivation impairs social recognition in 3xTg-AD mice without increasing brain deposition of tau and Aβ. Journal of Neuroscience, 33:10729-10740. [PDF]
Bories C, Husson Z, Guitton MJ, De Koninck Y (2013) Differential balance of prefrontal synaptic activity in successful versus unsuccessful cognitive aging. Journal of Neuroscience, 33:1344-1356. [PDF]
Bories C*, Guitton MJ*, Julien C, Tremblay C, Vandal M, Msaid M, De Koninck Y, Calon F (2012) Sex-dependent alterations in social behaviour and cortical synaptic activity coincide at different ages in a model of Alzheimer's disease. PLoS ONE, 7:e46111. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2012) Challenges in Space Medicine. Public Health Frontier, 1:73-77. [PDF]
Latapy C, Rioux V, Guitton MJ, Beaulieu JM (2012) Selective deletion of forebrain glycogen synthase kinase 3β reveals a central role in serotonin sensitive anxiety and social behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367:2460-2474. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2012) Tinnitus: pathology of synaptic plasticity at the cellular and system levels. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 6:12 (7pp). [PDF]
Lomanowska A, Guitton MJ (2012) Multimodal perceptual and emotional integration in eating disorders (Chapter 2). In: CM Shapiro (Ed), Eating Disorders: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 39-60.
Guitton MJ (2011) When Taste Triggers Sociophobia. Preedy VR, Watson RR, Martin CR (Eds), Handbook of Behavior, Food and Nutrition. Springer, pp 1217-1230. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2009) Tinnitus-provoking salicylate treatment triggers social impairments in mice. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 67:273-276. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Klin Y, Dudai Y (2008) Taste-dependant sociophobia: When food and company do not mix. Behavioural Brain Research, 191:148-152. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Dudai Y (2007) Blockade of cochlear NMDA receptors prevents long-term tinnitus during a brief consolidation window after acoustic trauma. Neural Plasticity, 2007:80904. [PDF]
Puel JL, Guitton MJ (2007) Salicylate-induced tinnitus: molecular mechanisms and modulation by anxiety. Progress in Brain Research, 166:141-146. [PDF]
Guitton MJ (2006) Tinnitus and anxiety: more than meets the ear. Current Psychiatry Reviews, 2:333-338. [PDF]
Chabert R, Guitton MJ, Amram D, Uziel A, Lallemant JG, Puel JL (2006) Early maturation of evoked otoacoustic emissions and medial olivocochlear reflex in preterm neonates. Pediatric Research, 59:305-308. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Pujol R, Puel JL (2005) m-Chlorophenylpiperazine exacerbates perception of salicylate-induced tinnitus in rats. European Journal of Neuroscience, 22:2675-2678. [PDF]
Delprat B, Ruel J, Guitton MJ, Hamard G, Lenoir M, Pujol R, Puel JL, Brabet P, Hamel CP (2005) Deafness and cochlear fibrocyte alterations in mice deficient for the inner ear protein otospiralin. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 25:847-853. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Dudai T (2004) Anxiety-like state associates with taste to produce conditioned taste aversion. Biological Psychiatry, 56:901-904. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Dudai T (2004) Anxiety-like state associates with taste to produce conditioned taste aversion. Biological Psychiatry, 56:901-904. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Wang J, Puel JL (2004) New pharmacological strategies to restore hearing and to treat tinnitus. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockholm ), 124:411-415. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Avan P, Puel JL, Bonfils P (2004) Medial olivocochlear efferent activity in awake guinea pigs. NeuroReport, 15:1379-1382. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Puel JL (2004) Cochlear NMDA receptors and tinnitus. Audiological Medicine, 2:3-7. [PDF]
Bledsoe SC Jr, Shore SE, Guitton MJ (2003) Spatial representation of cortifugal input in the inferior colliculus: a multicontact silicon probe approach. Experimental Brain Research, 221:530-542. [PDF]
Wang J, Lloyd Faulconbridge RV, Fetoni A, Guitton MJ, Pujol R, Puel JL (2003) Local application of sodium thiosulphate prevents cisplatin-induced hearing loss in the guinea pig. Neuropharmacology, 45:380-393. [PDF]
Nouvian R, Ruel J, Wang J, Guitton MJ, Pujol R, Puel JL (2003) Degeneration of sensory outer hair cells following pharmacological blockade of cochlear KCNQ channels in the adult guinea pig. European Journal of Neuroscience, 17:2553-2562. [PDF]
Guitton MJ, Caston J, Ruel J, Johnson RM, Pujol R, Puel JL (2003) Salicylate induces tinnitus through activation of cochlear NMDA receptors. Journal of Neuroscience, 23:3944-3952. [PDF]
Ruel J, Guitton MJ, Puel JL (2002) Negative allosteric modulation of AMPA-preferring receptors by the selective isomer GYKI 53784 (LY303070), a specific non-competitive AMPA antagonist. CNS Drug Reviews, 8:235-254. [PDF]
Nicolas-Puel C, Lloyd Faulconbridge R, Guitton M, Puel JL, Mondain M, Uziel A (2002) Characteristics of tinnitus and etiology of associated hearing loss : a study of 123 patients. International Tinnitus Journal, 8:37-44. [PDF]
Delprat B, Boulanger A, Wang J, Beaudoin V, Guitton MJ, Venteo S, Deschesne CJ, Pujol R, Lavigne-Rebillard M, Puel JL, Hamel CP (2002) Downregulation of otospiralin, a novel inner ear protein, causes hair cell degeneration and deafness. Journal of Neuroscience, 22:1718-1725. [PDF]
Puel JL, Ruel J, Guitton M, Wang J, Pujol R (2002) The inner hair cell synaptic complex: Physiology, pharmacology and new therapeutic strategies. Audiology Neurootology, 7:49-54. [PDF]
Kossowski M, Mom T, Guitton M, Poncet JL, Bonfils P, Avan P (2001) Fine alterations of distortions-product otoacoustic emissions after moderate acoustic overexposure in guinea pig’s. Audiology, 40:113-122. [PDF]
Avan P, Wit HP, Guitton M, Mom T, Bonfils P (2000) On the spectral periodocity of transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions from normal and damaged cochleas. Journal of Acoustical Society of