An excellent article recently published in Computers in Human Behavior is getting some well-desserved recognition: Lepp A, Barkley JE, Karpinsky AC (2014) The relationship between cell phone use, academic performance, anxiety, and satisfaction with life in college students, Computers in Human Behavior, 31: 343-350 (see here), by Andrew Lepp and colleagues, got nominated in the Computing Reviews' 19th Annual Best of Computing list as a "Notable Article in Computing - 2014". Once again, a well-desserved recognition for an excellent paper. It also points the excellence of Computers in Human Behavior, and its potential as a medium to publish top research in this field. This paper is an excellent exemple of what modern cyberpsychology is: interdisciplinary, multidimensional, and quite insightful. In any case, a highly recommended paper to read.